Friday, January 11, 2013

Free The Master full movies online

Free full movies online The Master

A striking portrait of drifters and seekers in post World War II America, Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master unfolds the journey of a Naval veteran (Joaquin Phoenix) who arrives home from war unsettled and uncertain of his future - until he is tantalized by The Cause and its charismatic leader (Philip Seymour Hoffman). -- (C) Weinstein R
Release Date The Master Sep 14, 2012 Limited

Actors For The Master

Joaquin Phoenix,Philip Seymour Hoffman,Amy Adams,Laura Dern,Jesse Plemons,David Warshofsky,Rami Malek,Price Carson,Mike Howard,Sarah Shoshana David,Bruce Goodchild,Matt Hering,Dan Anderson,Andrew Koponen,Jeffrey Jenkins,Patrick Biggs,Ryan Curtis,Jay Laurence,Abraxas Adams,Tina Bruna

Genres The Master : Drama

User Ranting The Master : 3.4
User Percentage For The Master : 61 %
User Count Like for The Master : 32,036
All Critics Ranting For The Master : 8.1
All Critics Count For The Master : 213
All Critics Percentage For The Master : 85 %

Review For The Master

In the end it may not have the emotional uplift the Academy or a popular mainstream audience craves, but make no mistake, this is an enthralling drama about a peculiarly American restlessness, and the striving for insight and grace.

[A] challenging, psychologically fraught drama.
J. R. Jones-Chicago Reader

Anderson cunningly lets the viewer add the "sinister" here. We can ponder a group that sees value in collecting and guarding the secrets of its members, that seeks out celebrities, the passion for litigation as a means of battling those who question it.
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service

The actors' commitment to their roles is impressive, but it's tethered to a weightless, airless movie, a film so enamored of itself, the audience gets shut out.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

The Master may go down as one of Paul Thomas Anderson's most compelling works for two simple reasons: Joaquin Phoenix and Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Cary Darling-Dallas Morning News

Where There Will Be Blood transmuted sullen earth into flame and launched it violently skyward, The Master is, as its opening shot advertises, a more fluid undertaking, a story of ebb and flow.
Christopher Orr-The Atlantic

The at-times-impenetrable film will require multiple viewings to fully appreciate the multitude of themes and subtext.
Matthew Odam-Austin American-Statesman

Anderson has achieved his mid-century epic, and in its pure 65mm sumptuousness, the great American movie.
Harlan Jacobson-Boston Phoenix

THE MASTER is a brilliant film. THE MASTER is a confounding film. The Master is a terrible film. THE MASTER may talked about for the ages or forgotten in a few years. THE MASTER may be a masterpiece, THE MASTER may be empty of content...
Jason Gorber-Filmfest

THE MASTER is brilliant and/or confounding and/or terrible. It may be talked about for the ages or forgotten in a few years. It may be a masterpiece, and/or it may be empty of content masked by strong moments of acting prowess and visual flare.
Jason Gorber-Twitch

With almost no narrative progression, this film is basically a character study in which the main characters remain little changed and enigmatic.
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope

The least accessible of Anderson's films, and the least enjoyable, but it's intelligent and original enough for him to remain a "must-see" director.
CJ Johnson-ABC Radio (Australia)

For me, it is a masterpiece, a visually stunning explosion of pure cinema, emotionally charged with a penetrating psychological punch. If you are bored by this film, to paraphrase the great Samuel Johnson, then you are bored with life.
Brian Henry Martin-UTV

This is ( ... ) for cinephiles. You are expected to love it, but it sometimes left me scratching my head.
Graham Young-Birmingham Mail

The Master is not short but, once you fill in the blanks, you find yourself constructing a meta-film that, if realised, would play for many, many more hours.
Donald Clarke-Irish Times

A dense, baffling, thoroughly original epic that seems to divide viewers on the simple question of what it's supposed to be about.
Ben Kenigsberg-Time Out Chicago

A bit of a sprawling, repetitive mess, a film that hints at greatness to be sure, but fails to come together in any coherent way ...
Alistair Harkness-Scotsman

Feral, hunched, his face like a clenched fist, Phoenix's Freddie is inarticulate and blocked where Hoffman's Dodd is extravagant, loquacious and smooth, although Dodd's sudden eruptions of anger suggests a possible kinship between them beneath the skin.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

Another challenging, impeccably crafted and purposefully uncomfortable effort which will delight arthouse buffs and bore mainstream viewers in equal measure, The Master isn't for everyone.
Stephen Carty-Flix Capacitor

The Master is drags you through the dark flux of a destructive man's clash with a man hell bent on manipulating his universe. It's powerful cinema in every regard.
Blake Howard-2UE That Movie Show

Insightful and explosive examination of humanity
Cameron Williams-The Popcorn Junkie

The film draws much strength from the exceptional performances of both Phoenix and Hoffman and the riveting interplay between their characters.
Matthew Toomey-ABC Radio Brisbane

There are gaping chasms in the story and side stories that go nowhere. Yet the power of [Philip Seymour] Hoffman's performance is so hypnotic you forgive the film's faults just to revel in his all-consuming portrayal of a man possessed by his own beliefs.
Jim Schembri-3AW

It certainly isn't for everyone, but those who like a challenge will find there is much to learn from The Master.
Alex Zane-Sun Online

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