Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Free Man on a Ledge full movies online

Free full movies online Man on a Ledge

An ex-cop and now wanted fugitive (Sam Worthington) stands on the ledge of a high-rise building while a hard-living New York Police Department negotiator (Elizabeth Banks)tries to talk him down. The longer they are on the ledge, the more she realizes that he might have an ulterior objective. -- (C) Summit Entertainment PG-13
Release Date Man on a Ledge Jan 27, 2012 Wide

Actors For Man on a Ledge

Sam Worthington,Elizabeth Banks,Jamie Bell,Anthony Mackie,Ed Harris,Edward Burns,Titus Welliver,Genesis Rodriguez ,Kyra Sedgwick,Mandy Gonzalez,Bill Sadler,Barbara Marineau,J. Smith-Cameron,Patrick Collins,Afton Williamson,Robert Clohessy,Joe Lisi,Candice McKoy,John Solo,James Yaegashi

Genres Man on a Ledge : Mystery & Suspense,Drama

User Ranting Man on a Ledge : 3.3
User Percentage For Man on a Ledge : %
User Count Like for Man on a Ledge : 36,580
All Critics Ranting For Man on a Ledge : 4.8
All Critics Count For Man on a Ledge : 147
All Critics Percentage For Man on a Ledge : 32 %

Review For Man on a Ledge

Man on a Ledge isn't a caper comedy. It's a heist picture, a thriller -- and a not-that-thrilling one at that. But the folks who made it have enough of a sense of humor to get how silly it is and run with that on occasion.
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service

The solution to "now what do we do for 103 minutes?" is to pile as many silly distractions into the running time as possible.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

'Man on a Ledge' is our first legit contender for Best Worst movie of the year.
Richard Roeper-Richard

This is one of the few movies that, with its skyscraper action scenes, probably needed to be made in 3-D. As it is, though, it's barely in 2-D - and really, I'm not sure it needed to be made at all.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

There's no escaping the sheer terror of a guy standing on a ledge that high up. "Man on a Ledge" delivers the sweats it intends to deliver.
Tom Long-Detroit News

A clumsily made thriller with very few thrills.
Rafer Guzman-Newsday

"Man on a Ledge" is not a film that will change the way we look at thrillers, but it is a film that has enough thrills to provide for a very entertaining ride

Sam Worthington's Man On A Ledge is an absolute mess of a film, from start to finish. It's silly, dumb and ridiculous.
Kristal Cooper-We Got This Covered

The fact that it works is nothing short of a miracle. ... The balance between genuine threat and B-Movie silliness is just about right.
William Bibbiani-CraveOnline

Certainly enjoyable and occasionally tense despite some wobbly performances and plot holes.
R. L. Shaffer-IGN DVD

...depending on your levels of credulity - and blood alcohol - it might just pass muster as a late-night six-pack flick.

It's pulp, airport fiction - the acting is mediocre, the characters are formulaic archetypes... but I didn't feel as if my time was wasted at all.
Blake Howard-2UE That Movie Show

Man on a Ledge flirts with B-movie greatness but comes up short thanks to the far-fetched plot device used to power a clunky hybrid of heist flick/Hitchcockian wrong-man thriller.
Gary Dowell-Dark Horizons

... The ledge is the movie's most dynamic performer.
Greg Maki-Star-Democrat (Easton, MD)

Here, Leth makes Worthington's ledge a constantly frightening gimmick and the pacing between scenes is so effective, you'd be on the edge of your seat if the film didn't constantly make you feel for the back of your chair.
Sara Maria Vizcarrondo-Boxoffice Magazine

a straight-up genre film with no ambition beyond keeping the audience minimally entertained with its workmanlike execution of a literally high-concept idea
James Kendrick-Q Network Film Desk

Given that it stars action drone Sam Worthington, you'll be wishing they called it 'Man off a Ledge' before long.
Anders Wotzke-Moviedex

Yep, there's a man on a ledge in it.

It's absolutely average. That's not exactly what you are looking for when your subject is about a man on a ledge.
Jeff Bayer-The Scorecard Review

From minute to minute it's ingenious, gripping stuff...
Philip French-Observer [UK]

There's something endearingly deranged about Ed Harris's performance as a conniving businessman ( ... ) perhaps he realised that the film wasn't going to be as good as we hoped and that he might as well pretend he was related to John Malkovich.
Graham Young-Birmingham Mail

[T]here is the problem of the man on the ledge being Sam Worthington... For the Great Mystery of Sam Worthington remains unsolved...: How is it that this guy is a movie star? He's got no screen presence, no charisma...
MaryAnn Johanson-Flick Filosopher

There's a professional slickness about the proceedings and it entertains for most of the time.
-This is London

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