Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Free Life of Pi full movies online

Free full movies online Life of Pi

Director Ang Lee creates a groundbreaking movie event about a young man who survives a disaster at sea and is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. While cast away, he forms an amazing and unexpected connection with another survivor...a fearsome Bengal tiger. -- (C) Official Site PG
Release Date Life of Pi Nov 21, 2012 Wide

Actors For Life of Pi

Suraj Sharma,Irfan Khan,GĂ©rard Depardieu,Ayush Tandon,Tabu,Adil Hussain,Rafe Spall,Irrfan Khan

Genres Life of Pi : Drama,Action & Adventure

User Ranting Life of Pi : 4.2
User Percentage For Life of Pi : 90 %
User Count Like for Life of Pi : 37,155
All Critics Ranting For Life of Pi : 8
All Critics Count For Life of Pi : 207
All Critics Percentage For Life of Pi : 89 %

Review For Life of Pi

Mr. Lee's film is stronger as a visual experience-especially in 3-D-than an emotional one, but it has a final plot twist that may also change what you thought you knew about the ancient art of storytelling.
Joe Morgenstern-Wall Street Journal

There's an audience out there for this movie, but the question is whether they will find it.
James Berardinelli-ReelViews

The movie's energy peters out in a series of book-club conversations about divine will, the power of storytelling, and the resilience of the human spirit.
Dana Stevens-Slate

A movie that can't be dismissed because there is too much in it but can't be embraced because it's all spread too thin.
Mick LaSalle-San Francisco Chronicle

This transcendent fable carries a real sting in its tail. Ang Lee has made a bold and wondrous movie, one of his best.
Tom Charity-CNN.com

Claudio Miranda's luminous camera, set to Mychael Danna's intoxicating score, captures all manner of wild delights.
Peter Howell-Toronto Star

What better analogy for our place in the universe than a couple of scared creatures stranded on a precarious liferaft in the middle of a vast nothingness?
Tim Martain-The Mercury

Life of Pi is director Ang Lee's artistic expression of faith on film that's close to his very own version of the Sistine Chapel, minus the neck pain.
Cameron Williams-The Popcorn Junkie

Bleak facts or magical stories, science or faith, connected or alone, instinct or animals with souls - these are the dynamics explored by every aspect of Life of Pi.
Thomas Caldwell-Cinema Autopsy

Flawed it may be, but at its core lies an epic journey that shows Lee reborn as a creative force.
Ed Gibbs-The Sun Herald

I haven't been able to shake the thought-provoking finale. Don't expect to leave this story behind as you exit the theatre. Life Of Pi has something to say.
Matthew Toomey-ABC Radio Brisbane

The 227 days at sea are a test of physique, mental adaptation and faith, and Suraj Sharma makes Pi's spiritual journey as convincing as his nautical one.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

The screenplay reaches out to people of all religions and faiths and gives you the confidence to make your own mind up about things.
Graham Young-Birmingham Mail

Lee is a wizard, Life of Pi is an incredible spectacle and the technical effects are brilliant.
David Sexton-This is London

Working with perceptive writer David Magee (Finding Neverand), Ang Lee creates one of the most thoughtful, artistic blockbusters ever made by a Hollywood studio.
Rich Cline-Contactmusic.com

Life of Pi is chiefly to be recommended for the punch of its core story. Never mind the cod-philosophical breadth - feel the impressive emotional depth.
Donald Clarke-Irish Times

With Life Of Pi, Ang Lee has delivered bold, inspirational and intelligent cinema, the likes of which is rarely seen - and for that reason alone this is unmissable.
Alex Zane-Sun Online

A film of staggering beauty, great intelligence, high technical ability and no little humour.
Chris Hunneysett-Daily Mirror [UK]

Life Of Pi must be the most beautiful film of the year, a technical marvel, and magic realism at its most magical.
Christopher Tookey-Daily Mail [UK]

I thought of Monty Python and the Holy Grail and the King of Swamp Castle's determination to build on that sodden earth. It stayed up in the end but it wouldn't take much for it to fall over.
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray

Despite some lovely images and those eyepopping effects, it is a shallow and self-important shaggy-dog story - or shaggy-tiger story - and I am bemused by the saucer-eyed critical responses it's been getting.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]

You could just wallow in the visual lavishness of this movie and not think at all about what it 'means' and be blown away by it.
MaryAnn Johanson-Flick Filosopher

Lee maintains a very precise balance between the wondrous and the outrageous so we are never taken for fools in swallowing this tall tale - it might just be true.
Henry Fitzherbert-Daily Express

Is Lee's film a fable? Is it an adventure? No, it's a super-movie.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times

Ang Lee has, for the most part, constructed such a wondrous piece of filmmaking that even the 3D works.
Jamie Neish-HeyUGuys

Beautifully shot and superbly written, this is an emotionally engaging, thought provoking drama with jaw-dropping special effects work and a superb central performance from Suraj Sharma.
Matthew Turner-ViewLondon

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