Sunday, January 13, 2013

Free Hyde Park on Hudson full movies online

Free full movies online Hyde Park on Hudson

In June 1939, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Bill Murray) and his wife Eleanor (Olivia Williams) host the King and Queen of England (Samuel West and Olivia Colman) for a weekend at the Roosevelt home at Hyde Park on Hudson, in upstate New York - the first-ever visit of a reigning English monarch to America. With Britain facing imminent war with Germany, the Royals are desperately looking to FDR for support. But international affairs must be juggled with the complexities of FDR's domestic establishment, as wife, mother, and mistresses all conspire to make the royal weekend an unforgettable one. -- (C) Focus
Release Date Hyde Park on Hudson Dec 7, 2012 Limited

Actors For Hyde Park on Hudson

Bill Murray,Laura Linney,Samuel West,Olivia Colman,Elizabeth Marvel,Olivia Williams,Elizabeth Wilson,Eleanor Bron,Nancy Baldwin,Tim Beckmann,Guy Paul,Eben Young,Samantha Dakin,Buffy Davis,Morgan Deare,Tim Ahern,Tommy Campbell,Jeff Mash,Kevin Millington,Nell Mooney

Genres Hyde Park on Hudson : Drama,Comedy

User Ranting Hyde Park on Hudson : 3
User Percentage For Hyde Park on Hudson : %
User Count Like for Hyde Park on Hudson : 4,964
All Critics Ranting For Hyde Park on Hudson : 5.4
All Critics Count For Hyde Park on Hudson : 119
All Critics Percentage For Hyde Park on Hudson : 39 %

Review For Hyde Park on Hudson

A languid, tedious effort that never bothers to get to the heart of its characters, the film is a shallow reading of a significant time told mostly from the viewpoint of a lifeless character.
Connie Ogle-Miami Herald

It's never a bad movie, but it can't quite gel into a good one either.
Tom Long-Detroit News

Hyde Park on the Hudson' is a forgettable historical footnote.
Richard Roeper-Richard

The movie hinges on Murray's turn as FDR, and frankly, he comes up wanting. He looks and sounds nothing like the man, and barely makes an effort to rectify that.
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Essentially, Hyde Park on Hudson is a Shakespearean revel.
Rick Groen-Globe and Mail

Murray's spot-on portrayal of a man juggling myriad pressures and demands, from petty to momentous, marks one of the film's greatest strengths.
Ann Hornaday-Washington Post

Like the equally ludicrous Hitchcock, Hyde Park on Hudson is a character assassination posing as a movie.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing

Bill Murray is rarely more than serviceable as FDR in a film that is built around a romance more icky than sweet.
Mike Scott-Times-Picayune

The movie is most alive when Bill Murray's Roosevelt and Samuel West's King George VI retreat from the crowd and talk man to man.
John Wirt-Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA)

This 30's-set country house period drama will prove too dull for some (imagine Downtown Abbey without the soapy antics), but it works as a showcase for Murray to demonstrate some impressive range.
Stephen Carty-Flix Capacitor

FDR Is Happy

I enjoyed the movie for what it is, though I wish it had a better sense of itself.
Christopher Lloyd-Sarasota Herald-Tribune

The film bounces jauntily along, it's never less than handsome to look at, and the actors all do fine jobs.
Lawrence Toppman-Charlotte Observer

'The Day the King Ate a Hot Dog' might be a more informative title for this wispy historical trifle...
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

Splendidly splendid. Oscars all around: Murray, Linney, et al.
Clint O'Connor-Cleveland Plain Dealer

The film misses a choice opportunity to build a central story around its secondary one.
Jon Niccum-Kansas City Star

It's a nearly impossibly tall order, but Murray makes it work with an ease that results in the movie-award year's second-best performance as a U.S. president.
Chris Foran-Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

None of it is quite ridiculous enough to qualify as camp, nor weighty enough to qualify as insightful drama.
Josh Bell-Las Vegas Weekly

So devoid of any spark that it feels like watching someone's boring vacation videos.
Jeffrey Lyles-Lyles' Movie Files

...Hyde Park on Hudson would've fared a whole lot better had it focused entirely on Roosevelt and the King's appealing exploits.
David Nusair-Reel Film Reviews

Bill Murray tries mightily to slide into the role of a great man, but it's not a comfortable fit.
Corey Hall-Metro Times (Detroit, MI)

Murray disappears into his role as FDR, blending Lothario charm with professorial cool.
Matthew Odam-Austin American-Statesman

When Murray's around, he's the only hot dog in the room.
Marjorie Baumgarten-Austin Chronicle

"Hyde Park" lacks a solid focus. It juggles too many stories, so much so that it becomes a distraction and you quickly lose interest.
Bob Bloom-Journal and Courier (Lafayette, IN)

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