Thursday, January 10, 2013

Free God Bless America full movies online

Free full movies online God Bless America

Frank (Joel Murray) has had enough of the downward spiral of American culture. Divorced, recently fired, and possibly terminally ill, Frank truly has nothing left to live for. But instead of taking his own life, he buys a gun and decides to take out his frustration on the cruelest, stupidest, most intolerant people he can imagine -- starting with some particularly odious reality television stars. Frank finds an unusual accomplice in a high-school student named Roxy (Tara Lynne Barr), who shares his sense of rage and disenfranchisement. Together they embark on a nationwide assault on our country's most irritating celebrities. -- (C) Magnet Releasing
Release Date God Bless America May 11, 2012 Limited

Actors For God Bless America

Joel Murray,Tara Lynne Barr,Melinda Page Hamilton,Geoff Peirson,Mackenzie Brooke Smith,Rich McDonald,Maddie Hasson,Larry Miller,Dorie Barton,Travis Wester,Lauren Phillips,Geoffrey Pierson,Guerrin Gardner,Kellie Marie Ramdhanie,Aris Alvarado,Romeo Brown,Sandra Vergara,Jamie Harris,Alexie Gilmore,James McAndrew

Genres God Bless America : Drama,Comedy

User Ranting God Bless America : 3.7
User Percentage For God Bless America : 70 %
User Count Like for God Bless America : 27,268
All Critics Ranting For God Bless America : 6.2
All Critics Count For God Bless America : 102
All Critics Percentage For God Bless America : 67 %

Review For God Bless America

It's about a terminally ill man who decides that if he is going to die, he is going to grab a gun and take a whole bunch of obnoxious people with him.
Tom Russo-Boston Globe

This is no simple wish-fulfillment revenge fantasy. It's an indictment of us as viewers and tacit supporters of the cultural trash heap.
Ian Buckwalter-The Atlantic

The film features elaborate (and spot-on) parodies of mean-girl reality shows, YouTube nonsense and fatuous news reports but the people are thin and the plot meanders a bit.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

This funny, sick twist of social satire is certainly locked and loaded, even if its aim is sometimes off.
Betsy Sharkey-Los Angeles Times

The real problem is there's just not enough plot on which to hang the message that mean people suck.
Sara Stewart-New York Post

In this "Falling Down" of pop-cultural observation, Goldthwait forgets the thrill of the chase; he's more concerned with piercing verbal barbs than actual suspense.
Amy Biancolli-San Francisco Chronicle

It's an intriguing satirical idea, and it works very effectively in places, while being tremendously didactic and heavy-handed in others.
CJ Johnson-ABC Radio (Australia)

Sicko one-trick pony film, whose black comedy is tiresome and mostly unfunny.
Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews

Enjoyable, over-the-top, and nowhere near as black as the premise sounds, God Bless America is essentially an extended comic op-ed piece.
Jim Schembri-3AW

It's a wonderful movie, spoofing and shooting all the worst things about our failing civilization, from the Tea Party, to vicious talk show hosts ...
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope

If you can take that premise, I think you'll go along with the film and it's really, in its very weird way, quite funny.
David Stratton-At the Movies (Australia)

It's not that you don't sympathise with the characters' sentiments it is, though, that you can't actually go along with their agenda.
Margaret Pomeranz-At the Movies (Australia)

Gory, unfunny satire that deserves a prize for the most strained provocation of the year.
Jake Wilson-The Age (Australia)

God Bless America opens strong but finishes with a preachy bludgeoning.
Blake Howard-2UE That Movie Show

Though hilariously funny and luridly hypnotic, God Bless America is quite possibly the angriest and saddest film of the last ten years.
Erin Free-FILMINK (Australia)

A sobering comedy, a darkly comic tragedy and a socially valuable scream that demands our attention (and that of the Americans). He shows that deep down, for all the whoops of God Bless America across the nation, it's actually 'godless America'
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile

Although it promises much, the film ultimately fails to deliver the substance, with the stream of deadly bullets making a goddamn mess but never quite hitting the artery
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

For a movie that purports to be a statement about how mean-spirited and crass we've become, Goldthwait has no qualms piling on. Blowing a baby away with a 12 gauge - real or imagined - is about as bottom of the barrel as it gets.
Erick Weber-NECN

...any film that has the balls to show an incessantly crying baby being blown away with a shotgun will always, unequivocally, get my vote.
Adam Ross-The Aristocrat

[Goldthwait's] shown he has a knack for writing films with strange lead characters whose morals you will question, but whose exploits you will want to follow to the end.

God Bless America is most effective as a big, loud 'f*** you' to those responsible for breaking the spiritual back and socio-political might of a great empirical democracy; the joke being that those responsible are the movie's key demographic.

Murray and Barr make for winning platonic chemistry even when Frank suspects himself of impure thoughts. Goldthwait holds his nerve as the film shifts from ennui to malevolent gleefulness.
Tara Brady-Irish Times

Embora não seja engraçado como acredita ser, a honestidade do roteiro em sua frustração com a futilidade contemporânea é algo refrescante em meio a tantos projetos sem personalidade ou ponto de vista.
Pablo Villaca-Cinema em Cena

This black comedy is directed by Bobcat Goldthwait, who miraculously makes the two characters sympathetic. How he does that is still a mystery to me. "God Bless America" makes me feel most uneasy. But, it's hard not to watch.
Paul Chambers-Movie Chambers

God Bless America is a modern-day parable... It's not always easy to watch, but it's got a lot to say. Just be prepared to have your worldview challenged.
Kevin Carr-7M Pictures

There's something disingenuous about this being made by a filmmaker whose claim to fame was appearing in Police Academy 2, Hot to Trot and Shakes the Clown. But I'd be lying if I didn't admit that there's something cathartic about it.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing

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