Monday, January 14, 2013

Free Gangster Squad full movies online

Free full movies online Gangster Squad

Los Angeles, 1949. Ruthless, Brooklyn-born mob king Mickey Cohen (Sean Penn) runs the show in this town, reaping the ill-gotten gains from the drugs, the guns, the prostitutes and-if he has his way-every wire bet placed west of Chicago. And he does it all with the protection of not only his own paid goons, but also the police and the politicians who are under his control. It's enough to intimidate even the bravest, street-hardened cop...except, perhaps, for the small, secret crew of LAPD outsiders led by Sgt. John O'Mara (Josh Brolin) and Jerry Wooters (Ryan Gosling), who come together to try to tear Cohen's world apart. -- (C) Warner Bros
Release Date Gangster Squad Jan 11, 2013 Wide

Actors For Gangster Squad

Sean Penn,Ryan Gosling,Josh Brolin,Emma Stone,Anthony Mackie,Bryan Cranston,Michael Peña,Giovanni Ribisi,Robert Patrick,Patrick Robert,Nick Nolte,Holt McCallany,Mireille Enos,Troy Garity,Wade Williams,James Hebert,Ambyr Childers,Mac Brandt,Brandon Molale,Michael Papajohn

Genres Gangster Squad : Drama

User Ranting Gangster Squad : 3.7
User Percentage For Gangster Squad : 68 %
User Count Like for Gangster Squad : 61,404
All Critics Ranting For Gangster Squad : 5
All Critics Count For Gangster Squad : 155
All Critics Percentage For Gangster Squad : 34 %

Review For Gangster Squad

It might sound like a stretch, imagining Penn playing that intense, indiosyncratic a villain. But the lauded, veteran actor pulls a left hook, then a right, and after a wild bodyshot at the tail end of the film, you see the true mania behind his eyes.
Ricardo Baca-Denver Post

Director Ruben Fleischer and screenwriter Will Beall can't decide whether to make a spoof or a serious drama, so they wrongheadedly attempt both.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

Gangster Squad" is a highly stylized, pulp-fiction period piece based on true events.
Richard Roeper-Richard

Despite a cast of gifted actors, lush 1940s production design and suave costumes, it's bereft of inspiration, plowing familiar terrain past the point of tedium to impatience.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

Gangster Squad is to the great tradition of the Scarface genre what plastic is to cutlery - tiny, imitative, disposable.
Rick Groen-Globe and Mail

Any resemblance to history here is restricted to some snazzy spectator shoes and cans of Schlitz beer.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

( ... ) a more watchable thriller than Michael Mann's Public Enemies (2009), with lots of Tommy guns blazing in the old fashioned way.
Graham Young-Birmingham Mail

Naive, heavy-handed, handsomely designed ...
Philip French-Observer [UK]

Lovingly pulpy yet honest and sincere about its intent, there is plenty in Gangster Squad for fans of the gangster genre to enjoy.
Thomas Caldwell-Cinema Autopsy

... a maniacally arch fusion of 'Dick Tracy' and, yes, the classic buddy Western 'Magnificent Seven' ... Penn froths at the mouth so much he disappears beneath a mask of spittle.
Glenn Lovell-CinemaDope

The movie claims to be "based on a true story" but turns out to be as authentic as The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing

Sean Penn's performance alone makes the film worth seeing.
Nick Nunziata-CHUD

Viewers complaining about the cartoonish portrayal and wanting Curtis Hanson's Oscar winner again need to consider the source, and remember that - Paul Muni, anyone? - the former rules.
Matthew Sorrento-Film International

Mildly enjoyable... sadly forgettable.
Matt Neal-The Standard

Sean Penn's performance as Mickey Cohen will disturb you.
Jolene Mendez-Entertainment Spectrum

There is a certain level of shoot-'em-up entertainment value to the movie, but overall, it's a pretty forgettable ride.
Kevin Carr-7M Pictures

A fun breezy drama that's fun to watch but will easily be forgotten in six months.
John Hanlon-Big Hollywood

Fleischer's film goes rogue...

This is a cast that, given the right material, could have made a film to rival The Untouchables.

... It's all surface level a backdrop for a big, dumb action movie that has more in common with "The Expendables" than "L.A. Confidential."
Greg Maki-Star-Democrat (Easton, MD)

Gangster Squad, I have seen The Untouchables and you, sir, are no Untouchables. But you may be the most violent episode of Dragnet ever.
Jeff Meyers-Metro Times (Detroit, MI)

Ryan Gosling is so good that he manages to rise above the limitations of the script.
Clint O'Connor-Cleveland Plain Dealer

We all have better things to do than watch movie stars playing cops-and-robbers.

There's nothing particularly wrong with Gangster Squad, except perhaps its timing, but there's nothing particularly right either.
Rebecca Cusey-Patheos

It's watchable because of the colorful recreation of L.A. in 1949 (thanks to cinematographer Dion Beebe and production designer Mather Ahmad) and its appealing cast...
Leonard Maltin-Leonard Maltin's Picks

disjointed, at times ludicrous, but darn if it doesn't always have just the right art direction and lighting
Andrea Chase-Killer Movie Reviews

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