Monday, January 14, 2013

Free The Evil Dead full movies online

Free full movies online The Evil Dead

This auspicious feature debut from Sam Raimi -- shot on 16mm in the woods of Tennesse for around $350,000 -- secured the young director's cult status as a creative force to be reckoned with. The nominal plot involves five vacationing college kids -- Ash (Bruce Campbell), his girlfriend Linda (Betsy Baker), and their classmates Cheryl (Ellen Sandweiss), Scott (Hal Delrich) and Shelly (Sarah York) -- making an unplanned stopover in an abandoned mountain cabin surrounded by impenetrable woods. Before settling in for the night, they come across an ancient-looking occult tome filled with dense hieroglyphics and macabre illustrations, a dagger fashioned from human bones, and a reel-to-reel tape recorder. The taped message, dictated by a professor of archaeology, describes the contents of the Sumerian "Book of the Dead," filled with incantations used to bring otherworldly demons to life, giving them license to possess the living. The message goes on to explain that those possessed by these demons can only be stopped by total bodily dismemberment. When played among the group later that evening, the professor's recorded translations of the ritual chants traumatize the strangely prescient Shelly ... and simultaneously release an ominous presence from the depths of the forest. The evil spirits take to their dirty work with gusto, first assuming control of Shelly and transforming her into a cackling, murderous hag with superhuman strength; the others imprison her in the fruit cellar and chain the trapdoor shut. The spirits then begin to possess the other women, including Linda -- who immediately turns on Ash with a barrage of punches and sadistic taunts. Unable to bring himself to chop up his lover's corpse, Ash gives her a more customary burial in the woods -- which proves to be a big mistake. As the others succumb to demonic influence, Ash's horrific predicament becomes increasingly grim until, when all hope seems lost, he stumbles upon a final, desperate solution to the ghoulish onslaught ... well, maybe not. Despite the shoestring production values, Raimi has fashioned a tight, lightning-paced fever dream of a movie, filled with operatic overacting and outrageously gory effects that give the project a comic-book feel. Based on an earlier 8mm short titled Within the Woods, this feature version was fraught with distribution difficulties before finding its first audience overseas. After considerable word of mouth (and a glowing endorsement from horror author Stephen King), the film became a hit on home video, where it achieved further notoriety thanks to its highly-publicized banning in Britain amid the notorious "Video Nasties" censorship campaign. Raimi, along with producer Robert Tapert, writer Scott Spiegel and much of the same crew, cranked up the story's comic aspects several dozen notches for the rollicking semi-remake, Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn. ~ Cavett Binion, Rovi
Release Date The Evil Dead Oct 15, 1981 Wide

Actors For The Evil Dead

Bruce Campbell,Ellen Sandweiss,Betsy Baker,Hal Delrich,Sarah York,Theodore Raimi,Ivan Raimi,Sam Raimi,Scott Spiegel,John Cameron,Richard DeManincor,Theresa Tilly,Bob Dorian,Robert G. Tapert

Genres The Evil Dead : Science Fiction & Fantasy,Horror

User Ranting The Evil Dead : 3.6
User Percentage For The Evil Dead : 81 %
User Count Like for The Evil Dead : 170,269
All Critics Ranting For The Evil Dead : 8.1
All Critics Count For The Evil Dead : 49
All Critics Percentage For The Evil Dead : 100 %

Review For The Evil Dead

Sam Raimi directed this 1983 horror feature fresh out of film school, and his anything-for-an-effect enthusiasm pays off in lots of formally inventive bits.
Pat Graham-Chicago Reader

While injecting considerable black humor, neophyte Detroit-based writer-director Sam Raimi maintains suspense and a nightmarish mood in between the showy outbursts of special effects gore and graphic violence which are staples of modern horror pictures.
Variety Staff-Variety

To say that the Evil Dead movies are not for everyone is an understatement. A strong stomach is required.
James Berardinelli-ReelViews

A cult classic of the highest order, Sam Raimi's The Evil Dead is the rare 80′s movie that actually feels worthy of its lofty reputation; relatively, anyway.
Gabe Leibowitz-Film and Felt

Sam Raimi's visceral debut remains a benchmark of modern horror.
-Total Film

It's Raimi's keen eye (and ear) for audiovisual intoxication that makes this creeper a home run.
Rob Humanick-Projection Booth

Everyone tries to make a horror flick this way. Few succeed like Raimi did.
Scott Weinberg-FEARnet

If you want to savor the gory goodness of "The Evil Dead" on home video, with every burst pustule and glob of blood as clear and sharp as the day it was filmed, then the Blu-ray disc is the way to go.
Steve Biodrowski-Cinefantastique

Horror masterpiece is gory, but silly. For older teens only.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Common Sense Media

In the league of "Night of the Living Dead" and "Jaws" where it continues to be immortal and outlive other horror classics in the face of changing movie going sentiment...
Felix Vasquez Jr.-Cinema Crazed

No serious subtext to be found here, just vigorous love and respect for the simultaneous horror and humor inherent to the genre.
Nick Schager-Lessons of Darkness

An inspired gross-out horror pic.
Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews

fans of the film - and novices who make it through the reels without throwing up yet wanting more - will find a lot to love in here
Kevin Carr-Film School Rejects

No, they don't make 'em like this anymore, folks.
Lucius Gore-ESplatter

... one of the most entertaining American horror films of the 1980s, a stylish roller coaster starring a bloody, battered, lantern-jawed Bruce Campbell.

Director Sam Raimi attacks the movie with a brutal kind of kinetic creativity, moving the camera in truly unique patterns.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Combustible Celluloid

The Evil Dead's no-holds-barred resourcefulness places it among the masterpieces of the genre.
Rob Humanick-Projection Booth

If you can overlook the mostly lame-o acting, cheeseball effects and fumbling drama, there's enough fledgling genius here to fill another thousand horror movies.
-Empire Magazine

Energetic, original and icky, Raimi's splat-stick debut is a tight little horror classic that deserves its cult reputation, despite the best efforts of the censors.

Not for the faint of heart or those uninitiated in the ways of modern horror, it's a hoot for fans of the genre.
-TV Guide's Movie Guide

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