Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Free Bachelorette full movies online

Free full movies online Bachelorette

On the night before an old friend's wedding, three frisky bridesmaids go searching for a little fun but find much more than they bargained for. With lovely Becky (Rebel Wilson) set to marry her handsome sweetheart, Dale (Hayes MacArthur), the remaining members of her high school clique reunite for one last bachelorette bacchanal in the Big Apple. Regan (Kirsten Dunst) is an overachieving, ueber-Maid of Honor who's secretly smarting over the fact that she's not the first to marry, while Gena (Lizzy Caplan) is a whip-smart sarcastic who's actually a closet romantic, and Katie (Isla Fisher) is a ditzy beauty who loves the good life. But when Becky insists on keeping the bachelorette party tame, the women proceed with an after-hours celebration of their own. -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Bachelorette Sep 7, 2012 Limited

Actors For Bachelorette

Kirsten Dunst,Isla Fisher,Lizzy Caplan,James Marsden,Adam Scott,Kyle Bornheimer,Hayes MacArthur,Rebel Wilson,Paul Corning Jr.,Andy Rannells,Anna Rose Hopkins,Sue Jean Kim,Horatio Sanz,Ann Dowd,Ella Rae Peck,Megan Neuringer,Leslie Meisel,Jenn Schatz,Beth Hoyt,Shauna Miles

Genres Bachelorette : Comedy

User Ranting Bachelorette : 2.9
User Percentage For Bachelorette : %
User Count Like for Bachelorette : 7,101
All Critics Ranting For Bachelorette : 5.4
All Critics Count For Bachelorette : 76
All Critics Percentage For Bachelorette : 55 %

Review For Bachelorette

The women's dialogue is pungently ribald but diffuse; too often, shouting and shrieking and gesticulating take the place of engaged performance.
Richard Brody-New Yorker

A nasty little piece of work -- a phrase I use not with contempt but with grudging admiration.
Dana Stevens-Slate

Its actresses - particularly Dunst - are terrific. Headland has a nice feel for music, too, and takes some editing risks.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

I don't see why women being as slobby and gross as the guys is such a feminist breakthrough -- especially since, as in Bachelorette, the slobbiness and grossness is witless.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

As smart and popreferential as Headland's writing is, it's a little underwhelming when it comes to delivering on laughs.
Sara Stewart-New York Post

It's a sour, only fitfully funny affair, wasting the abilities of its otherwise talented cast, which includes Kirsten Dunst, James Marsden, Adam Scott and Isla Fisher.
Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post

Self-consciously raunchy, and simply more loud and annoying than funny, Bachelorette serves as ample evidence that women can do stupid and crude as well as men, if pushed to it.
Brent Simon-Shared Darkness

Bachelorette is all about these very fine actresses playing some pretty sad, desperate women who have some pretty funny lines to say.
CJ Johnson-ABC Radio (Australia)

The performances and characters are the best thing about Bachelorette, which tries to walk a fine line between bawdy gross-out comedy and introspective "what have I done with my life?" drama for 30-somethings.
Matt Neal-The Standard

"It may be wrapped in the pretence of a comedy, but scratch beneath the shiny facade and sharp one-liners, and there's a dense and dark core."
Cara Nash-FILMINK (Australia)

A comedy with an almost cruel level of honesty that explores not just the weird dynamics of long-term friendships but the deeper forces that operate inside each individual.
Tim Martain-The Mercury

Limp, lazy, unfocussed...about as funny as flat champagne.
Jim Schembri-3AW

The material becomes increasingly uncomfortable since it mainly comes from sad and traumatic places. This is what gives the film its edge.
Thomas Caldwell-Cinema Autopsy

Leslye Headland's bitterly unfunny Bachelorette not only squanders a talented cast of comic performers, but also chastises the audience for revelling in the unfiltered awfulness of their characters.
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix

Unpleasant, repellent viewing that, surprisingly, offers only repugnant characters and toxic protagonists, nothing more.
Ed Gibbs-The Sunday Age

Lacking the charm and genuine heart of Bridesmaids, Bachelorette feels like a bouquet of wilted flowers - brittle and less than lovely, outstanding performances notwithstanding
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

The actresses are thoroughly committed to the memorable roles they boldly inhabit, but the performers as well as the characters deserve a less compromised vehicle.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

Bachelorette is a thoroughly off-putting misfire that squanders its talented cast with horrible writing and an overabundance of bitter fights, vulgar language and general bitchiness.
Simon Brookfield-We Got This Covered

The funny stuff is impertinently delightful and honest, and delivered expertly by this female ensemble. Material this hilarious and astute is a rare thing in the few comedies that dare to be dominated by women
Marjorie Baumgarten-Austin Chronicle

Did you enjoy "Bridesmaids" last year, but wish it had been a bit more cynical, mean-spirited, and druggy?
Stephen Silver-EntertainmentTell

Bachelorette is a poor-woman's Bridesmaids, in need of a bit more laugh-inducing moments...
Elias Savada-Film Threat

...there's no soft center here, no sweetness lurking to cut the tart. This is a raw and genuinely brave film that falters here and there, but gets up swearing and snarling, a razor in its pretty little hand.
Philip Martin-Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Dunst ... seems liberated in playing this shrill, tightly wound woman who comes unhinged when her dreams of a perfectly staged wedding - even if it's not her own - start slipping away.
Sean Means-Salt Lake Tribune

What's the point of creating such defiantly unlikable characters if you're just going to declaw them and give them hearts of gold before the closing credits roll? A better title might have been Girls Gone Mild.
Rick Kisonak-Film Threat

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