Monday, January 7, 2013

Free This is 40 full movies online

Free full movies online This is 40

Writer/director/producer Judd Apatow (The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Funny People) brings audiences This Is 40, an original comedy that expands upon the story of Pete (Paul Rudd) and Debbie (Leslie Mann) from the blockbuster hit Knocked Up as we see first-hand how they are dealing with their current state of life. -- (C) Universal R
Release Date This is 40 Dec 21, 2012 Wide

Actors For This is 40

Paul Rudd,Leslie Mann,Megan Fox,Albert Brooks,Chris O'Dowd,Melissa McCarthy,Ryan Lee,Robert Smigel,Hugh Fink,Tom Freund,D.A. Sandoval,Megan Grano,Mackenzie Aladjem,Tom Yi,Molly Shad,Michael Ian Black,David Wild,Barb Hernandez,Tom Everett,Tim Bagley

Genres This is 40 : Comedy

User Ranting This is 40 : 3.4
User Percentage For This is 40 : %
User Count Like for This is 40 : 30,246
All Critics Ranting For This is 40 : 5.9
All Critics Count For This is 40 : 150
All Critics Percentage For This is 40 : 51 %

Review For This is 40

Apparently Apatow's penchant for if-it's-not-broke filmmaking isn't changing anytime soon. And it's a shame, because while This is 40 has plenty of laughs, it lacks decency and heart.
Ricardo Baca-Denver Post

The performers are so likable that you stay with them even when, as is often the case, the material is hit-or-miss.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

Judd Apatow is not a disciplined artist. And that's a good thing.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

"This Is 40" tends to be about the self-inflicted problems of spoiled upper-middle class white people. Which can be sort of funny, sure. Sort of.
Tom Long-Detroit News

No one could be as whiny, spoiled, tasteless, combative and reliant on annoying stand-up comedy riffs as the entire cast of this film, the most disappointing one of the year.
Kyle Smith-New York Post

Overlong, unnecessarily sex-obsessed and downright nasty at times, "This Is 40" feels haphazard and unfinished, despite a few moments of laugh-out-loud humor.
Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post

Feels even more personal than his previous works, and considering Funny People spent many minutes showing us a video of his daughter Maude's singing Memories at a high school play, that's mighty impressive.
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix

With a little more "adult" then usually found in an Apatow "adult" comedy, the film is carried from start to finish by the cast.
Michael A. Smith-MediaMikes

Apatow's biggest strength is his ability to wrangle frank and perceptive scenes into one overarching theme and wring huge laughs out of them, and he does that in This is 40 in spades.

'This Is 40' has moments where vulgarity doesn't impede honesty and Apatow's desire to show off his children doesn't overshadow his depiction of a contemporary family. But these moments are separated by acres of guff.
Jeffrey Westhoff-Northwest Herald (Crystal Lake, IL)

Leslie Mann deserves an Oscar nomination for her hilarious performance.
Clint O'Connor-Cleveland Plain Dealer

Apatow can't relinquish his love of random animal comedy enough to let his dramatic sensibilities really take hold, and as a result the film is torn, trading laughs for winces and vice-versa in a way that feels conflicted, rather than organic
James Kendrick-Q Network Film Desk

Not up to some of Judd Apatow's earlier hits, but still has some amusing moments blended in with the crude humor and whiny characters.
Jackie K.

My suspicion is that Apatow made a conscious decision to throw episodes at us scattershot to reflect the battlefield chaos of a relationship in motion.

This is 40 is his [Apatow's] graduation, leaving him totally exposed - and you're at your funniest when your pants are down.
Blake Howard-2UE That Movie Show

A mismanaged mess that feels less a panoramic study of modern adult- and familyhood and more like a series of tasked self-reflections for which its creator doesn't have the stomach.
Brent Simon-Shared Darkness

A typically erratic Judd Apatow feature...
David Nusair-Reel Film Reviews

"Hey, remember that annoying couple in that Judd Apatow movie about the loser who got the hot chick pregnant? No? Well, we made a movie about them anyway."
Pete Vonder Haar-Houston Press

There is a profound tone deafness to This is 40, yet another overly long, overly whiney and overly crude exploration of Apatow's bloated ego...
Corey Hall-Metro Times (Detroit, MI)

Well-acted and well-made, but way too long and not particularly funny
Stephen Silver-EntertainmentTell

Apatow's spot-on look at modern relationships will ring true with anyone who's been married.
Charles Koplinski-Illinois Times

The film earns its stripes as a raunchy, R-rated comedy even before the main title appears onscreen.
Leonard Maltin-Leonard Maltin's Picks

Many moviegoers will identify with the couple's marital woes, but they may object to the notion that the affluent Pete and Debbi deserve sympathy for their money problems; in this aspect, the film is as blinkered as the Romney campaign.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

Frequently great when it involves Rudd and Mann tossing barbs at each other... and just plain leaden whenever it's doing anything else.
Tim Brayton-Antagony & Ecstasy

With a tighter control of his material, Judd Apatow might have made the wry, observant comedy he no doubt has in him.

What we have is a man (Apatow) who appears, through his cynical be facing a mid-life crisis of his own.
Robin Clifford-Reeling Reviews

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